


Years/Age range


Type of children

Low attainers with reading ages 2 years or more below chronological age, including those on the SEN Code at School Action or School Action Plus.

Length of intervention

10 weeks; 20 minutes two or three times a week if school-based. Because Lexia has been web-based since 2010 it can also be accessed at home, with the learner choosing frequency and duration of sessions.

Brief description

Lexia is a web-based Independent Learning System (ILS) with several programs. It is predominantly phonics-based, beginning at initial letter level, and includes a simple comprehension element. Pupils work through a program independently and at their own pace. The computer keeps track of their progress (records can be printed off) and provides extra practice on aspects which pupils find difficult. Teachers need to give initial guidance on using the program, teach and reinforce some units, and mainly oversee and monitor how their pupils are getting on. Web-based home sessions are self-monitored.


For reading accuracy in Y1-8: useful
For comprehension in Y2-6: useful
For spelling in Y1-8: useful

Further information
